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Why LMA?

Our Mission, Our Values, Our People


The most frequent comments from our colleagues at LMA are that “it is such a great place to LEARN; every project is an opportunity to learn about another organization that is trying to make a difference in our world. It means a lot to me that we help organizations improve their services”.  

​Employees of LeCroy & Milligan Associates have the opportunity to contribute their skills and experience in designing and conducting research, evaluation and training for an array of local, regional, and national social services and education programs who are making a difference in people’s lives.  

Contribute to our Mission:

Our Values:

Through our evaluation and  consultation services, we want to  provide useful and practical insights to organizations.  We want the data we provide to be of the highest quality.  We want organizations to USE our information to improve and grow. We get our job satisfaction from learning new things, increasing our skills,  being part of a team, and having a good time together. We like to bring that same attitude to our work with clients. 


We call ourselves “the funky bunch” because we are an eclectic multidisciplinary team that has  a variety of backgrounds and interesting histories. We call on this diversity to create dynamic teams to meet the needs of our clients.  Our colleagues have creative juice both inside and outside the office--check out our bios. We are an experienced, committed, hard-working gang--and we celebrate frequently:  Bad Poetry Day, birthdays, the summer soiree’, dance routines, singing performances, and Halloween—-you better be prepared for Halloween!

Our People:


"Collaboration is what makes LeCroy & Milligan great" - Steven Wind

We are proud to be a small woman-owned business that has thrived and contributed to our community for over 25 years.   LeCroy & Milligan Associates has been recognized for positive workplace practices including the Copper Cactus “best place to work” award and a Southern Arizona Smart Inspiring Enterprise award for workplace culture.  In 2016, our President was named “Outstanding Entrepreneur” by Tucson Women of Influence.    


Our foundation has been built on creating a supportive environment with benefits that are well recognized for a small business, including such things as health, dental, retirement, wellness activities, generous leave policies, and professional development opportunities.  We believe we must care for ourselves so that we can effectively do our work in the community.   


We encourage prospective candidates for positions at LeCroy & Milligan Associates to call our office directly about an open position. The employment application is available for your convenience by clicking the employment application link.

explore Roles

We are currently searching for an Evaluation Associate and Senior Evaluation Associate. Apply now to join our awesome team!

phone: (520) 326-5154

2002 N. Forbes Blvd. #108
Tucson, AZ 85745

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