Healthy Families Parenting Inventory
Why choose the HFPI for your Organization?
Healthy Families Parenting Inventory (HFPI)
The Healthy Families Parenting Inventory (HFPI) is a valid and reliable outcome measure that was designed to examine change in nine parenting domains: Social Support, Problem-Solving, Depression, Personal Care, Mobilizing Resources, Role Satisfaction, Parent/child Interaction, Home Environment and Parenting Efficacy.
What's Inside the Manual:
Gives home visitors the steps for effective administration of the HFPI with families
Informs users about how to properly interpret and score the HFPI
Helps home visitors use results to develop goals and plan curriculum activities with families
Demonstrates how the HFPI can be used to develop focused interventions to address family strengths and critical needs
Aids in the supervision process and service planning
Includes worksheets to use directly with families
Includes psychometrics that will assist in analyzing HFPI data
HFPI Instrument and score sheet included with manual
Translated Versions of the HFPI are available
Recommended by National Home Visiting Resource Center in 2019 Brief
Healthy Families Parenting Inventory (HFPI) Instrument and Tip Sheet Bundle
Starter bundle includes everything you need to start using the HFPI with your families!
Gives home visitors the steps for effective administration of the HFPI with families
Learn how to properly interpret and score the HFPI
Helps home visitors use results to develop goals and plan curriculum activities with families
Demonstrates how the HFPI can be used to develop focused interventions to address family strengths and critical needs
Familiarizes staff with using the HFPI in the supervision and service planning
Includes HFPI Instrument, score sheet, tip sheets and manual

Healthy Families Parenting Inventory - HFPI Tip Sheets
Practical tips for addressing each of the following domains of the HFPI:
Social Support
Problem Solving
Mobilizing Resources
Parent/Child Interaction
Role Satisfaction
Home Environment
Personal Care
Parenting Efficacy
Tip Sheets include Skills to Build with Families, Conversation Starters, Homework Ideas for families, and Focused Interventions for the home visitor.